Saturday 9 July 2011

The TMB - Day 6 - June 11th - Along the Italian Val Ferret.

Wild-camping is frowned-upon along the TMB - and (according to some sources) is illegal in Italy and Switzerland - so it is best to find quiet places. For a couple of days I did just that!

On the undulating grassy ridge of Mont de la Saxe, small pools reflected the grandeur of Les Grandes Jorasses across the Val Ferret.

I continued the climb to TĂȘte de la Tranche 2584 m with superb views back to Courmayeur

It was a short steep descent to Col Sapin 2436 m, where the "official" TMB converges with the easier valley variente route. Next the trail contoured a huge bowl and rose to another high Col; the Pas Entre-deux-Sauts 2524 m.

Plenty of Marmots in many places along the mountain paths ..
More Marmot photos here

Then it was a long easy descent to Rifugio Bonatti on the edge of Val Ferret, where I saw these King-Cups ..

Rifugio Bonatti - owned by the famous Italian climber -

From Rifugio Bonatti I followed an easy high-level path up the valley towards the next goal; Rifugio Elena at the head of the Italian Val Ferret. It was an excellent trail with fab views all the way. The paths seemed quite benign - but (as on the ridge of Mont de la Saxe yesterday) - I was aware that an over-heavy rucksack - and a momentary loss of balance - could result in a non-recoverable roll to the bottom of the valley! In other words - the slopes were steep and I was watching my step!

The high level path came to an end at a ravine, and I had to go down to the floor of the valley to continue. Here are the views both down, and up the valley, before the descent.

Near to Rifugio Elena (which was closed) I found an unusual bird. My own rarity. I have only seen this species once before (in Lesvos) and I know it doesn't belong in Europe at all!
Click the link to read about the Rufous Bush Chat

Rufous Bush Chat, Val Ferret.

This was the view back along the Italian Val Ferret near to Rifugio Elena. Here started the climb towards the Grand Col Ferret 2537 m - and Switzerland.

I hadn't really enough energy for the climb; cold wind and mist started blowing over the Col; so I pitched my tent out-of-sight above the refuge. This was the view next morning ..

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