Sunday 1 January 2012

The TMB - Day10 - June 15th - From Argentière to Col de Brévent

At the end of Day 9, I walked into Argentière and had a good meal. The next priority was to find somewhere to stay the night. I walked back to Tré le Champ and wandered around trying to find someone at Camping Les Frasserands. The place seemed deserted - so in the end I opted for a night of comparative luxury at Gîte Refuge le Moulin nearby. This photo was taken next morning - Day 10.

Leaving the Gîte, I formulated my plans for the next couple of days. If I was to continue on the "classic" TMB route, I needed to return to the Col des Montets
and climb onto the Grand Balcon Sud via the steep laddered section. I didn't think this the best idea. My heavy rucksack was becoming too much of a burden - so I opted for an easier path to La Flégère. I knew if I could reach Les Houches in two days - keeping to the original 11 day schedule - then I could dump my gear there and come back on my "spare" day at the end to complete the (reputedly) spectacular section carrying just a light day pack - which would be much more enjoyable.
I found an easier direct and waymarked "tourist" path from Argentière to La Flégère which was a delight. It was a steady climb through open forest with butterflies in abundance, and views across the valley to the glacier Mer de Glace.

This lake is near the cable-car station at La Flégère, where I rejoined the official TMB route.

This wasn't the prettiest section of the TMB. With manicured ski pistes and chairlifts in abundance, I got through it as quickly as possible. I passed another chairlift at Plan Praz and started the relentless climb to Col de Brévent 2368m. I saw some Ibex along the way.

I found a level pitch for my tent on the col, with this view of Le Brévent towering above.

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