Sunday 1 January 2012

The TMB - extra day - June 17th - Circular walk to Lac Blanc from Col des Montets

I had completed my Tour du Mont Blanc and was camped at Les Houches. I used my spare "extra" day to walk with a lighter pack arguably the best section of the trail, as a circular - both the official and variente routes on the Grand Balcon Sud.
I took the bus along the Chamonix valley to Argentière and walked to and from the col.

Walking to the col from Argentiére

Ibex at the bottom of the ladder section

Climbing the ladders past the Aiguillette d'Argentiére rock needle

The view back down

Superb views across the valley

More ladders to climb

More amazing views of the Mer de Glace

The view ahead to Refuge du Lac Blanc visible in the next picture

I saw a soaring Griffon Vulture

Mer de Glace


Alpine Chough

After a great day on the ascent path, I returned to the col along the variente route in deteriorating weather, and was extremely lucky to finally capture some photos of a young Chamois before the end of my walk.

All good things come to an end, including the fine spell of weather I had enjoyed for most of my TMB walking. Back at the campsite in Les Houches there was a terrific thunderstorm that lasted for hours on the evening of June 18th. It continued to pour down all of the night and into the next day. I felt sorry for these two French brothers who were only a couple of days into their tour, and were having to wait for the weather to clear at  Les Houches before they could continue. They pitched under the protection of this tractor shed. We said our goodbyes and I caught my scheduled Chamexpress back to Geneva. Au revoir ....

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