Wednesday 29 June 2011

The TMB - Day 2 - June 7th - Les Contamines to Les Chapieux

Today the walk gets into higher valleys and becomes more interesting.

Yesterday's 600 + 290 metres of ascent was just a warm-up. Today it's an unrelenting slog from Les Contamines (circa 1150 metres) to the Col de la Croix du Bonhomme (circa 2500 metres) - then a steep descent to Les Chapieux (circa 1500 metres).

In fine weather I set-off early and passed the beautiful Notre Dame de la Gorge
at about 8am.

The track climbed steeply up the valley along a Roman road, the "Chemin Romain" and crossed a dramatic gorge over a Roman bridge. I stopped by
the stream above the gorge and took photographs.

The trail passed through pine forest and soon the views widened into the
upper valley.

I stopped at a water-fountain and had a brew as a walking-group came along. They were all Americans - doing the TMB with a French guide.

The track deteriorated as it climbed over banks of glacial moraine into the upper reaches of the valley - and the weather deteriorated too.

I stayed with the group until we reached the hut at the Col du Bonhomme 2329m and a little after that. When I stopped to have some food they kept going, and I was on my own again.

The trail passed through the Réserve Naturelle (Contamines - Montjoie) and I had my first encounter with wild Ibex. See more of my Ibex photos here :

I reached the Col de la Croix du Bonhomme 2479m in swirling mist ...

... and then passed the refuge (which was closed) as I began the descent
    to Les Chapieux.

The ground near the Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme was carpeted with
wild flowers, and larks were singing. It was tempting to stop for another rest
but time was getting on and Les Chapieux was still a couple of hours away ..

I pitched my tent outside the Refuge de la Nova in Les Chapieux. The
camping was free - and I had some company again.

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